Women’s Ride November – UPDATED DETAILS

Join us for a women’s only road or mtb ride….or come along to a information session

Please register your interest by sending an email to sales@epiccycles.com.au

When: Saturday 17th November
Time: 6.30am (finish by 9am)
Where: Epic Cycles
*Beginners to Intermediate – not a super fast pace. More details about route to come.

When: Sunday 18th November
Time: 8.00am (finish by 10am)
Where: Bunyaville – James Drysdale Recreation Reserve Carpark, Jinker Track (left off Bunya Road)
*Beginners & Intermediate are all welcome. Join Anna and Emma for some fun on the trails.

INFO SESSION & Casual River Ride
When: Sunday 25th November
Time: 3.00pm
Where: Epic Cycles
*Bring lights and be prepared to sit down and have a chat with Emma about all things cycling related from set up to mechanical advice. Then we will head out for a cruise around the river most possibly followed by a beverage somewhere nice to watch the sun go down.

PSLadies, keep your eye on this space because I may throw in a SURPRISE NIGHT RIDE some time in the next couple weeks.

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